Account team

When it comes to account management we see ourselves as your partner. Our expert Client Services team make it their priority to build strong and trusting relationships with our clients. This helps us to understand and get under the skin of our clients’ needs, challenges and goals so that we can provide the right support when it is needed.

Expert Account Managers

Our team have detailed knowledge of recruitment practices and processes across a wide range of sectors and industries, including both lateral and early careers recruitment. At times, we may take a more consultative approach to account management, suggesting and implementing solutions that are aligned to our clients’ strategic objectives. At other times, it may be a case of rolling up our sleeves and supporting clients with more operational challenges.

At engage|ats, we like to stay well connected to our clients, so we encourage quarterly, monthly or even weekly calls to check in and see how they are doing. Whilst in today’s digitalised world most meetings happen online we still love meeting face-to-face where possible. Outside of scheduled calls, our Client Services team are always happy and on hand to have a quick chat if needed.

Ultimately, our goal is to provide a personalised service that helps to drive value and improve the overall client experience, whether that is through advice, training, sharing best practice or just chasing things up on your behalf.

Tip: Utilise the knowledge and expertise of your account manager by asking them to provide you with relevant benchmarking data or anecdotal information from other clients within your sector.

Need some help?

We have a range of expertise within our business that can help with a wide range of challenges. Your Account Manager can introduce you to experts in the following areas:

  • Social media
  • Employer branding
  • Websites
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Audience research
  • Creative services

Getting Started

Setting up engage|ats is simple and quick, we can even help you:

Transfer candidate data from your old ATS


Configure your process workflows to meet your needs


Automate your processes

Integrate with your other HR platforms

Display jobs on your website through our API

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Candidate management
Candidate experience
Vacancy management
Partners & integrations
Online testing
Bias detection
Security vetting
Job boards
Job feeds
HR systems
Customer care and support
247 AI help
Account team
Getting setup
Customer portal
Security & compliance
Cyber security
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