
At engage|ats we believe that proper training empowers teams to create efficiencies and best practice processes.

We provide a range of training during the implementation phase and offer continuous support and training after go-live too.

Empowering our users through training

Live Training  

Immediately before a system goes live, the entire HR/recruitment team is trained on the full system and how to use it on a daily basis, including how to support various users (candidates, managers, agencies etc.) 

 Train the Trainer  

If a HR/recruitment team is rolling out internal training for system users, engage|ats can create the training plans/agenda and train the trainer. This can be especially useful for large organisations with a high number of individuals using the system.  

Role-specific Training  

If a client prefers, the engage|ats team can train different types of users within the organisation, typically hiring managers. Role-specific training focuses on the processes that user groups complete on the system.  

 Ad-hoc Training  

Training can be provided at any time as an overall refresher on the core functionality, for new team members or on newly implemented functionality.  

User-friendly and easy-to-follow tailored training material and guidance manuals will be provided covering the functionality and features of your system and once live additional training can be requested. 

Tip: Training a team on a new system can often be information overload, so we break these training sessions down into manageable bitesize sessions with plenty of time for practicing and questions.

Need some help?

We’re experts in the entire talent acquisition lifecycle, so please reach out to us if you need help on any aspect, including:

  • Transition from your old platform
  • Employer branding
  • Websites
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Audience research
  • Creative services

Getting Started

Setting up engage|ats is simple and quick, we can even help you:

Transfer candidate data from your old ATS


Configure your process workflows to meet your needs


Automate your processes

Integrate with your other HR platforms

Display jobs on your website through our API

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Candidate management
Candidate experience
Vacancy management
Partners & integrations
Online testing
Bias detection
Security vetting
Job boards
Job feeds
HR systems
Customer care and support
247 AI help
Account team
Getting setup
Customer portal
Security & compliance
Cyber security
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